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Second Trimester - Working Out Again

Writer's picture: Skye FaganSkye Fagan

I’m finally, getting back into a good exercise and fitness routine and I’m feeling great again. The first trimester (12 weeks) can be pretty tough. I had been battling all the food cravings and then wasn’t getting much done other than brisk walks outside, whenever my head wasn’t around the toilet bowl.

Though it was tough, I’ve thankfully passed that 12-week threshold and starting to feel like myself again. Inspired by how healthy and fit I feel again, I created this home workout routine. It is the same one I have been doing on my living room floor and also perfect for you during these trying, self-isolating times when you can’t go to the gym.

Not only has this been a great workout routine for me whilst pregnant, it’s a great workout in general, even if you’re not baking a bun in the oven. Exercising while pregnant is great for many reasons, to name a few; it helps with stress release, preventing excessive weight gain, helps combat fatigue and prepares your body for labour. This is a circuit style that will get your heart pumping, body sweating, circulation flowing and if you’re pregnant possibly baby kicking.

There are only a few pieces of equipment I used in this workout, most of which you can substitute with alternatives from around the house or just do without.

In Set 1, I complete the exercises wearing a resistance band however, if you do not have one, get squatting without. In Set 2, the first two exercises I do on sliders, if you don’t have a set, you could use a small towel on a hard surface or simply do it without. The rest of set 2; all the shoulder exercises I use a 2kg weight. An alternative; you could use 2 x filled water bottles, bottles of wine or any heavy objects at home – you can get creative here. In set 3, all you need is your gorgeous body and a yoga matt!

SET 1 (WITH BANDS) 20 x Crab Walks 20 x Squats 20 x Squat Pulses 20 x Squats with Alt Lateral Leg lifts 20 x Side to Side Squat Heel Taps SET 2 (SLIDERS + 2KG WEIGHT) 20 x Reverse Lunges - Repeat each leg 20 x Lateral Toe Taps - Repeat each leg 20 x Shoulder Press 20 x Alt Front & Lateral Shoulder Raise 20 x Reverse Fly SET 3 (YOGA MATT) 20 x Donkey kicks - Repeat each leg 20 x Fire hydrants - Repeat each leg 20 x Elbow to knee extensions & 20 sec hold after your reps – Repeat both sides 1 Min x Plank 30 sec x Boat hold 20 x Boat hold toe taps 20 x Hip thrusts 1 Min x Glute/Hip bridge Repeat Circuit x 2 if you can! If you would like see me demonstrate the exercises below, please follow the link to my YouTube. It’s a 5-minute video. I encourage you, to watch prior to see exactly how to perform each exercise and also after to check your technique. Happy Sweating! Watch Demo

*Disclaimer: If you are eager to give this work out a go, please know you are doing it at your own risk and complete it at your own pace/level. Please check with your doctor first if you are pregnant or have health issues. I also recommended a good warm up prior to completing this workout, frequent water breaks and a cool down once finished to prevent injuries. Skye Fagan is not at all liable for any injuries.

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3 comentarios

24 abr 2020

Been doing this workout since your post came out! I love doing it every day helps me focus and relax! Plus my body feels better! Love it!

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12 abr 2020

Just finished this workout! It's great! Specially when you're quarantined like here In France!

Me gusta

10 abr 2020

So proud of you. Workout is a lot harder then it looks! X

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